Hypothesis Testing:

Mythreyi Rajan
2 min readAug 25, 2021


· A Null Hypothesis is the status quo. It is so formulated that the rejection leads to the conclusion which is Alternate Hypothesis

· Researchers and decision makers want to prove the Alternate hypothesis

· H0 indicates Null Hypothesis

· H1 indicates Alternate Hypothesis

· Evaluates two mutually exclusive statement on a population using sample data

o Steps involved in Hypothesis Testing

1. Make Initial Assumption(H0)

2. Collect Data(Evidences)

3. Reject or Accept Null Hypothesis

· Rejecting Null Hypothesis when it is True is Type 1 error

· Fail to Reject Null Hypothesis when it is False is Type 2 error

Example for Hypothesis Testing:

· Null hypothesis — Peppermint essential oil has no effect on the pangs of anxiety.

· Alternative hypothesis — Peppermint essential oil alleviates the pangs of anxiety.

Two-tail test normal distribution curve

P-value: It is the probability for the Null Hypothesis to be True

Null Hypothesis: It treats everything same or equal

If the value falls beyond the lower limit or falls beyond the upper limit, Null Hypothesis is rejected.

Confidence interval: Range of the population mean between lower limit and upper limit.



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